Our Commitment

Harrington's Commitment

We constantly strive to deliver services to our clients at the highest possible level of competence. We concern ourselves intimately with the issues of our clients, utilizing our wealth of knowledge to address the demands placed on the nonprofit sector.

As part of our commitment to the nonprofit community, we provide training, assist nonprofits in an advisory capacity, and encourage networking among our clients, which establishes relationships that become invaluable resource tools.



Harrington Group experts, along with their team of other business professionals, have shared their insights with the nonprofit community through the provision of board training, educational symposiums, and tailored client courses.


Training: Board of Directors

We make available training sessions for Boards of Directors that address topics that are meaningful to those charged with governance.

Past topics include:

» Strategic Planning

» Budgeting

» Understanding Nonprofit Financial Statements

» Changes in the New Form 990


Training: Symposiums

We also facilitate quarterly educational symposiums that give nonprofit personnel at all levels the opportunity to network with colleagues at similar agencies.

Past topics include:

» Complex Government and Private Funding

» Tax Update for Nonprofits

» Cost Allocations

» Risk Management

» Maximizing Multiple Government Streams


Training: Individualized Client

Recognizing that each nonprofit faces unique needs, we are also available to conduct training at the client site. These trainings are tailored to the organization's special concerns about business, regulations and/or tax issues.


Past topics include:

» How to understand your financial statements

» Understanding Endowments / Permanently restricted assets

» Temporarily restricted assets

» Understanding mental health funding




A Trusted Nonprofit Partner • Experience. Service. Respect.

Main Fax:  626.403.6866

Main Phone: 626.403.6801



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